Brightspace Learning Environment

Assignments – The new assignment creation experience | Updated

The following features build on the announcement related to the new assignment creation experience released in the December 2020/20.20.12 Release Notes, the Assignments – Date picker change | Updated feature that was released in the November 2020/20.20.11 Release Notes, and the Learning Outcomes - Display of Outcome Hierarchy in Alignment picker and Outcomes Progress | New and the Learning Outcomes - Search Outcomes in the Alignment picker and Outcomes Progress | New features released in the April 2020/20.20.4 release:

  • The new assignment creation experience defaults to On (Opt-in). Administrators can still override this value in the d2l.Tools.Dropbox.CreateExperienceOptIn (OrgUnit) configuration variable. 
  • Previously, in the new assignment creation experience, the time for an assignment Start Date defaulted to 11:59pm. Now, the default time for an assignment Start Date is set to 12:00am. Due Date and End Date remain unchanged with default times set to 11:59pm.
  • The learning outcomes hierarchy tree now appears in Assignments. You can collapse it to facilitate finding and using specific outcomes in any assessment activity or rubric where outcomes can be aligned. In addition, users can now search the outcomes list to find the best outcome to align with assignment activities in their courses and programs.   


Impact of Change Technical Details
Moderate impact to administrators as the new assignment creation experience is set to On (Opt-in) by default. Availability: This feature is available to all clients.

To enable: The new assignment creation experience is set to On (Opt-in) by default. Administrators can override this value in the d2l.Tools.Dropbox.CreateExperienceOptIn (OrgUnit) configuration variable.  

Instructors may opt into or out of the new assignment creation experience within a specific course at any time. If the new assignment creation experience is set as Off or On, instructors cannot control their use of the feature:
•    If Off, the feature will not be available.
•    If On, the feature replaces the old screens in the workflow without the option to switch back.
Moderate impact to instructors as the default time for an assignment Start Date is set to 12:00am. N/A


Assignments - Multiple rubric support in consistent evaluation experience | Updated

This feature is a continuation of the Assignments - Consistent evaluation experience | New feature that was introduced in the December 2020/20.20.12 release.

If an assignment includes multiple rubrics, they are all visible to instructors using the Consistent evaluation experience. Instructors are also able to choose the default scoring rubric. Previously, the consistent evaluation experience would only display one rubric on the assignment evaluation screen.
For additional information on the Consistent evaluation experience, visit Brightspace Community.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators due to the ability to allow users to opt-in to the new evaluation experience in Assignments, or permanently enable the new experience. Availability: This feature is available to all clients

To enable: Set the d2l.Tools.Activities.ConsistentEvaluationOptIn configuration variable to On(Opt-In) or On.
Slight impact to instructors due to the ability to use the consistent evaluation experience for assignments with multiple rubrics. To enable: Opt-in to the consistent evaluation experience on the Assess assignment page .


Brightspace Learning Environment – Supported browsers | Updated

Brightspace Learning Environment's browser version check now displays warnings for browsers earlier than the following versions:

  • Google® Chrome™ 85 (released Aug 2020) 
  • Apple® Safari® 13 (released in September 2019) 
  • Mobile Apple Safari 12 (released in October 2018) 
  • Mozilla® Firefox® 80 (released August 2020) 
  • Chromium-based Microsoft® Edge 85 (released August 2020) 
  • All versions of Microsoft Edge Legacy (in preparation for Microsoft’s end-of-support in March 2021)

You can access Brightspace Learning Environment with older versions of our supported browsers; however, D2L does not test Brightspace Learning Environment against these older versions. This means you may encounter unexpected user interface behavior and appearance or broken and unsupported functionality. In most cases, D2L does not fix software defects experienced in unsupported browser versions. For an optimal experience that offers better performance, accessibility, and security, D2L strongly recommends that all users access Brightspace Learning Environment with a supported browser.

Impact of Change Technical Details

Moderate impact to users depending on the browser they choose to use with Brightspace Learning Environment.

Availability: This feature is available to all clients. 

To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Brightspace Learning Environment users. No further action is required.


Config Variable Browser - Obsolete configuration variable | Removed

The configuration variable d2l.Integrations.IPSIS.SemesterBlacklist has never been in use and will be deleted from the Configuration Variable Browser. This configuration variable was identified as part of a review of language and function for D2L's Inclusive Language initiative


Impact of Change Technical Details
No impact to administrators. Availability: This feature is available to all clients

To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Config Variable Browser users. 


Config Variable Browser - Updated name for configuration variable | New

As part of D2L's commitment to using inclusive language throughout our products and services, the configuration variable formerly titled d2l.Integrations.BIC.SemesterBlacklist is now renamed to d2l.Integrations.BIC.SemesterBlocklistThe name change does not change the functionality of the configuration variable. 


Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators who will observe the configuration variable appears with a new name in the Config Variable Browser. Availability: This feature is available to all clients

To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Config Variable Browser users. 


Content - File and widget sandboxing to enhance content security | New 

To enhance the security of Content files and Widgets that execute scripts to create extra-rich HTML experiences (such as objects that can execute JavaScript), there is now a sandboxing feature that creates a secure iFrame around the HTML file. This will allow an HTML file to execute scripts (such as JavaScript) within the iFrame only but will prevent them from executing outside the iframe (against the domain). This enables some flexibility in creating rich content, but reassurance for the security- conscious that end user information remains secure in all situations, such as when learners in specific courses have a special role with permission to create content topics. 
To implement the ability to create sandboxing in Content Files and Widgets, there are new configuration variables, permissions, and workflows.  
There are 3 new configuration variables: 

  • The Security.WidgetsApplySandbox configuration variable applies the sandbox attribute to any widget where Widget Is Sandboxed is selected in the Edit Widget Properties area.  For existing clients, this configuration variable is OFF by default. When the configuration variable is OFF, the permission and workflow to apply sandboxing is visible, but the actual sandbox attribute is not applied; scripts execute as they did previously. All new widgets have the Widget Is Sandboxed attribute set to OFF in the Edit Widget Properties dialog box. When the Security.WidgetsApplySandbox configuration variable is enabled, the sandbox attribute is applied as appropriate, and all new widgets have the Widget Is Sandboxed setting automatically turned on in the Edit Widget Properties area.

Note: When the Security.WidgetsApplySandbox configuration variable is ON, users without the Manage Widget Security permission can no longer edit a widget that is not sandboxed, but they can still use it on their homepages.

The Widget Security area of the Widget Properties dialog box.
Figure: The Widget Security area of the Widget Properties dialog box.

  • The Security.ContentApplySandbox configuration variable applies the sandboxing attribute to HTML content files if you have selected the Enable Content Sandboxing option in the Course Offering Information area of an Organization Unit. 

The Enable Content Sandboxing checkbox on Course Offering Information.
Figure: The Enable Content Sandboxing checkbox on Course Offering Information settings. 

  • The Security.ContentSandboxDefault configuration variable sets the default status of the Enable Content Sandboxing check box for all org units in Course Offering Information area that do not have specific overrides. This configuration variable enables administrators to specify that all courses should have sandboxed content, and specifically opt out certain org units, if applicable.
  • The new Manage Widget Security (organization level) permission enables the associated roles to apply and remove sandboxing to widgets. By default, this permission is OFF for all roles.
    • When the Security.WidgetsApplySandbox configuration variable is ON, and a user has create/edit widget permissions but does not have the Manage Widget Security permission, they will see a "not sandboxed" warning icon next to un-sandboxed widgets in the Custom Widgets list. They will be unable to edit those widgets, as they are not secure. If the widget is sandboxed, they can edit the widget and will see the sandboxed setting in the Properties tab of the custom widget, but will be unable to edit the setting.
    • When the Security.WidgetsApplySandbox configuration variable is OFF, users without permission will have the exact same experience in Custom Widgets as they did prior to this release, including the iFrame Rendering option being in the Edit Widget Content tab.
  • The new Manage Content Security (organization level) permission enables the associated roles to apply and remove sandboxing in any org unit. By default, this permission is OFF for all roles. Without this permission, users who can see the Course Offering Information area for an org unit can see whether the course is sandboxed, but cannot edit the setting.  
  • The existing Course Management Console >  See Course Info permission is also required at the org unit type (such as course or department) for the roles to see the Enable Content Sandboxing setting in the Course Offering information.

Note: If two or more courses share the same exact file path, sandboxing the path for one course automatically sandboxes the other courses as well. This might take several minutes to apply, depending on the number of courses in the path. 

In Manage Homepages Widgets, un-sandboxed widgets have a warning icon. This is displayed to any user with access to this list when the Security.WidgetsApplySandbox configuration variable is ON. When it is OFF, only users with permission to Manage Widget Security will see the symbol.

The float-over text on the icon indicates that the widget is not sandboxed.
Figure: The float-over text on the icon indicates that the widget is not sandboxed. 

For additional information about the security vulnerability caused by un-sandboxed content, see Cross Site Scripting (XSS) on the OWASP community.  

For additional information about the sandboxing attribute, see HTML <iframe> sandbox Attribute


Impact of Change 

Technical Details  

Slight disruption to administrators who will see new security permissions and sandboxing information in Manage Widgets and Course Offering Information, and must enable both the configuration settings and permissions to alter the setting. 

Availability: This feature is available to all clients. 

To enable: Administrators must select ON for Security.WidgetsApplySandbox and Security.ContentApplySandbox to enable sandboxing to occur. Administrators must give the related Security permissions to appropriate roles to toggle on or off sandboxing in widgets or org units. 


Moderate disruption to administrators who apply sandboxing, as some elements may not function as expected.  Note: Sandboxing will prevent some functionality that depends on executing outside of an iFrame. Some Widgets or Content using Brightspace APIs may need this setting disabled depending on authentication workflows. Courses using old SCORM, Video Note, YouTube, or other 3rd party elements embedded in Content should review before applying this setting, as these elements will not function as expected. 

Slight disruption to Instructors who will see information regarding sandboxing when editing widgets if the Security.WidgetsApplySandbox is ON or when viewing Course Offering Information.  

Moderate disruption to Instructors if their content is sandboxed, and they depend on scripts executing outside the iFrame/against the domain. 

To enable: Grant security permissions for Content and Widget sandboxing at the Org level. In addition, provide access, at the course level, to areas where sandboxing is applied using the following permissions at the org level: HomepagesCreate/Edit Widgets and Course Management Console > See Course Info.

Course Export - Export file upload attribute for written response questions | New

Written Response quiz questions that allow for file upload can now be imported and exported from Brightspace Learning Environment. With the ability to import and export these questions users can share them with users from other instances of Brightspace. 

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators due to the ability to import and export Written Response quiz questions that allow for file upload.  Availability: This feature is available to all clients

To enable: This feature is automatically enabled. No further action is required.
Slight impact to instructors due to the ability to import and export Written Response quiz questions that allow for file upload.   N/A


Data Hub - Attendance and Intelligent Agents Brightspace Data Sets | Removed

With this release, the following Brightspace Data Sets have been removed from Data Hub v5 and v6:

  • Attendance Details
  • Attendance Summary
  • Intelligent Agent Runs

Attendance Details and Attendance Summary have been replaced by the following data sets:

  • Attendance Registers
  • Attendance Schemes
  • Attendance Sessions
  • Attendance User Sessions

Intelligent Agent Runs has been replaced by the following data sets:

  • Intelligent Agent Objects
  • Intelligent Agent Run Log
  • Intelligent Agent Run Users

 The deprecated data sets were first announced in Brightspace Platform July 2020/20.20.7 Release Notes. The new data sets that replaced them were added in the same release.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Large impact to administrators due to the removal of existing Brightspace Data Sets in Data Hub. Availability: This feature is available to Brightspace Insights and Brightspace Core clients in all regions.

To enable: Ensure the Can Access Brightspace Data Sets permission is granted to administrators at the org level. New and changed data sets appear the first time the data set runs after the version update. You must also ensure the d2l.Tools.BrightspaceDataSets.Version configuration variable is set to version 5 or 6.

Data Hub - Course Offering Enrollments ADS | New

To increase the value of the Data Hub offering, this release adds a new Advanced Data Set (ADS):

  • Course Offering Enrollments returns the course offerings within which a user is enrolled, including both explicit and implicit enrollments.

For more information about explicit and implicit enrollments, please refer to this Community article: Data Hub - New Advanced Data Set: Course Offering Enrollments.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators due to the addition of a new Advanced Data Set in Data Hub. Availability: This feature is available to Brightspace Insights and Brightspace Core clients in all regions.

To enable: Ensure the new Can execute Course Offering Enrollments permission is selected at the org level. New and changed data sets appear the first time the data set runs after the version update.

Data Hub - Survey Objects Brightspace Data Set | Updated

To increase the value of the Data Hub offering, this release adds a new column to an existing Brightspace Data Set:

  • CategoryName added to Survey Objects data set.


Impact of Change Technical Details
Moderate impact to administrators due to the addition of new columns to existing data sets. Availability: This feature is available to Brightspace Insights and Brightspace Core clients in all regions.

To enable: Ensure the Can Access Brightspace Data Sets permission is granted to administrators at the org level. New and changed data sets appear the first time the data set runs after the version update. You must also ensure the d2l.Tools.BrightspaceDataSets.Version configuration variable is set to version 5 or 6.

Grades – Additional features for Mastery View in the grade book | Updated

To increase the value of the Mastery view of the Grade book, originally released in Brightspace Platform 20.20.12/December 2020, this release updates and adds the following new features:

  • Three new calculation methods: Highest Level, Most Recent Level, and Decaying Average.
  • A Publish All button for overall levels of achievement for all outcomes to all learners.
  • A Search by Student Name field.
  • A warning when the user attempts to change the default achievement scale.
  • Removal of the Clear Default option in the Achievement Scale dialog.


Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight disruption to instructors who have new features available in the Mastery view. Availability: This feature is available to all are using the Learning Outcomes. 

To enable: The Mastery view is available when you add outcomes to your courses and align them to achievement levels. If the Mastery view is not available, verify that there are learning outcomes in your course offering.
Ensure that you have Grades enabled at the org level and the course offering. There are no new or additional configuration variables required; however, you must continue to have the Learning Outcomes configuration variables set up for the Learning Outcomes tool to function correctly and provide content to display in the Mastery view. For more information, see Brightspace Learning Environment - Configuration Variables And Permissions Administrator Guide.

Quizzes - Multi-select questions workflow on by default | Updated

As an update to the Quizzes – Improved workflow for creating multi-select questions | New feature released in December 2020/20.20.12, the new d2l.Tools.Quizzes.NewMultiSelectExperience configuration variable is now turned on by default.
This configuration variable controls the availability of the new multi-select question experience only. If you do not want the multi-select question experience to appear by default, you can turn off the configuration variable manually. 
Note: The new d2l.Tools.Quizzes.NewMultiSelectExperience configuration variable will be removed in the March 2021/20.21.3 release, making the new multi-select question experience on by default for all organizations at that time.  


Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators due to the new configuration variable. Availability: This feature is available to all clients

To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Quizzes users. 
Moderate impact to instructors due to the new workflow for creating multi-select questions in a new multi-select question experience appearing in Quizzes by default with this release.  N/A


Quizzes - Retake Incorrect questions only permission setting | Updated

Building on the Quizzes – Improvements to the ability to retake incorrect questions in quizzes | New feature released in December 2020/20.20.12, the role permission Edit Quiz Properties permission now controls the availability of the Retake Incorrect Questions Only setting on the Assessment tab. This change ensures that only instructors with the Edit Quiz Properties permission can set the retake incorrect questions only setting on a quiz. 


Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators due to the requirement to set the Edit Quiz Properties permission for the Instructor role.  Availability: This feature is available to all clients.

To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Quizzes users. Ensure the Edit Quiz Properties role permission is set for the Instructor role. 
Slight impact to instructors due to the new permission required to set the  Retake Incorrect Questions Only setting for a quiz.  N/A


SCORM - Configuration variable for New SCORM solution | New

A new configuration variable for New SCORM solution content allows administrators to control the default submission of zero to Grades when the success status of grade items is unknown. The new configuration variable d2l.Tools.ContentService.AlwaysSubmitZeroGrade is Off by default, where a grade of zero is only submitted if the success status is specifically set to “failed”. When the configuration variable is set to On, a grade of zero is submitted to the gradebook regardless of the success status. 

Turning on this configuration variable overrides the SCORM package design to ensure non-successful SCORM scores appear in the gradebook. Previously, scores of 0 would only be sent when the SCORM object success was set to Failure.  Note that turning on the d2l.Tools.ContentService.AlwaysSubmitZeroGrade configuration variable will only apply for any future attempts per user per SCORM object.

This configuration variable can be set at the Org level if you want all SCORM content in all org units to have a grade of zero submitted without the explicit failed status; alternatively, you can set the configuration variable for specific Org Units as required.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators due to the requirement to enable the new configuration variable if required.  Availability: This feature is available to all clients.

To enable: Set the d2l.Tools.ContentService.AlwaysSubmitZeroGrade configuration variable to On to always submit a zero grade for undefined grade statuses. The default value for this configuration variable is Off.
Slight impact to instructors who may see gradebook submissions for undefined statuses appear as zero if the configuration variable is turned on for the Org or Org Unit. N/A



Bongo™ - Updated icons | New

This feature updates the default icons for Virtual Classroom and Video Assignments across Brightspace Learning Environment. The large and small icon variants are both included in this update. Icons are automatically updated for clients using the default icon sets. If your organization is using custom icons they are not affected.

New Video Assignment icons
Figure: New Video Assignments icons visible across Brightspace Learning Environment
New Virtual Classroom icons visible across Brightspace Learning Environment
Figure: New Virtual Classroom icons visible across Brightspace Learning Environment

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to instructors due to new default icons for Virtual Classroom and Video Assignments.  Availability: This feature is available to all Virtual Classroom and Video Assignments clients. 
To enable: This feature is automatically enabled for Virtual Classroom and Video Assignments users. No further action is required. 
Slight impact to learners due to new default icons for Virtual Classroom and Video Assignments.  N/A


LTI® 1.1 - Course Section code included in launch | New

This feature adds an option to send the Course Section Code in the LTI 1.1 launch, if it is required by the tool. The lis_course_section_sourcedid is already sent, but it is always the lis_course_offering_sourcedid because the launch occurs in the context of a course offering, not in a section. 
There are tools that require the section information from the platform to show section-specific information. Tools that look to determine when a course has been cross-listed can now identify a change in course offering parents.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators due to a new checkbox option at the link and tool provider level.  Availability: This feature is available to all LTI 1.1 users.

To enable: This feature is automatically enabled. No further action is required.


Office 365® Widget - New permission to manage the display of user information | New

This feature releases the new Can access the Office 365 widget when impersonating other users permission. If this permission is enabled and if Office 365 is added to a homepage, when you impersonate a user, you can view the widget (and its contents).

When this new permission is turned off, the Office 365 widget is not visible to the user performing the impersonation.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators due to the new permission Availability: This feature is available to all clients.

To enable: Ensure the Can access the Office 365 widget when impersonating other users permission is turned on.
Slight impact to instructors when impersonating a user. N/A


ReadSpeaker® - Integration enhancements | Updated

ReadSpeaker functionality is now available to instructors and learners in Assignments and Quizzes. ReadSpeaker converts text to speech, making text-based Assignments and Quizzes available to a wider audience. The ReadSpeaker icon is visible when viewing assignment instructions, evaluating assignments, taking or previewing a quiz, and evaluating quizzes. 

ReadSpeaker in Quizzes and Assignments is available immediately to clients who upgraded their script version of ReadSpeaker using the configuration variable d2l.3rdParty.ReadSpeaker.ScriptLocation in January. To identify if your organization has moved to the latest version review the value of the ScriptLocation variable. If your variable has no overrides, or is using a default instance value of /d2l/im/d2lreader/rs_v2.5.3_rev1551/ReadSpeaker.js?pids=embhl, then you are using an old version of the ReadSpeaker script. If you are using a URL path in an override that looks similar to the following paths then you are already on the latest version:

If your organization has not already upgraded, contact your ReadSpeaker account manager or support for guidance on updating your variable. The current default path for script paths are: 

Note: CustomerId is your ReadSpeakercustomer ID
This feature also resolves issues withReadSpeaker interfering with SCORM content hosted in Brightspace Learning Environment.

This feature implements PIE item D3192.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Moderate impact to administrators due to the need to determine if their ReadSpeaker integration is using the latest script version of ReadSpeaker. Availability: This feature is available to ReadSpeaker customers. 

To enable: Ensure the d2l.3rdParty.ReadSpeaker.ScriptLocation configuration variable has been updated and is no longer using the default instance value of /d2l/im/d2lreader/rs_v2.5.3_rev1551/ReadSpeaker.js?pids=embhl.
When you are ready to update your script, contact D2L support for assistance getting your configuration variable updated. There is no impact to updating your script version, doing so ensures you are accessing the latest tools ReadSpeaker offers.     
In February, D2L will be updating all clients who have not already migrated to the new script path automatically. At that point in time, the new ReadSpeaker placements will be generally available to all clients.
Slight impact to instructors due to the ability to use ReadSpeaker in Assignments and Quizzes.  N/A
Slight impact to learners due to the ability to use ReadSpeaker in Assignments and Quizzes. N/A

