Attendance – Delete and restore registers | Updated
This feature complements the Attendance – Manage registers | Updated feature released in the May 2021 / 20.21.5 release.
Instructors can now restore mistakenly deleted attendance registers and associated
session data. You can delete registers individually on the Attendance Registers page or in bulk.
Note: Deleted registers do not appear in the Attendance data set.
Figure: The Attendance Registers page with the More Actions drop-down menu > Delete functionality
This feature implements PIE ideas D6051 and D1535.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors due to the ability to restore deleted attendance registers and session data. | Availability: This feature is available to all clients. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Attendance users. The existing See the Attendance tool and Manage Attendance Registers permissions must also be selected for the instructor role at the course level. |
Brightspace Editor – Additional functionality | Updated
This feature updates the Brightspace Editor – Improvements | Updated feature released in the May 2021/20.21.5 release and includes the following functionality:
- Format painter – you can now copy and apply text formatting
- @mentions – @mentions is controlled by the organization unit configuration variable, d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.Mentions, that is deployed in an OFF state. Once enabled by an administrator, in discussion posts, users can now tag other users within the same course using @mentions depending on permissions. Tagged users are notified by alerts in the minibar. External notifications are not yet available.
Privacy is an important consideration of this feature, so the @mentions feature is
controlled by multiple permissions. A role must have the following permissions to
use the feature when enabled for their organization unit:
- User Information Privacy > See First Names*
- User Information Privacy > See Last Names*
- User Management > Search for {role}
When a user is tagged, their profile is linked to their tagged name – this will eventually
be replaced with the Profile Card. To see the profile of another user, the following
permission is required:
- User Profile > View Other Users’ Profiles
Without the View Other Users’ Profiles permission, the profile link does not render for that role.
After @mentions are created in a course, if this functionality is turned off, the
@mentions links and notifications in the alerts area remain active. However, users
cannot add further @mentions.
Note: At this time, a user, when fully permissioned, can @mention any active user (depending
on the roles they can search for) in their organization unit regardless of group,
section, or conditional release restrictions for that discussion forum/topic. When
a user is @mentioned in a topic they do not have access to, they do not receive an
alert, to prevent 404 errors. Further work to enhance this workflow is planned.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to administrators due to the ability to enable the @mentions functionality in Brightspace Editor for an organization unit. | Availability: These features are available to all clients. To enable: Ensure that the d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.NewEditor (Org) configuration variable is set to On. The format painter functionality is only available in the new Brightspace Editor and appears automatically in the toolbar in all tools using the full editor. Ensure that the d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.Mentions configuration is turned ON for the organization units that want to use @mentions. It is set to OFF by default. Ensure that the following permissions are turned on for the required roles:
Brightspace Platform – LaTex rendering in quiz questions | New
This feature releases the d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.InlineLaTeX (OrgUnit) configuration variable that renders inline LaTex equations in the HTML Editor and
in the new Brightspace Editor. As a result, scientific and mathematical equations
are rendered seamlessly without the need to use the LaTeX equation option in the Equation
This configuration variable is turned ON by default for new clients and is turned OFF by default for existing clients.
When enabled, any existing inline LaTeX equations render as expected. When disabled,
these equations no long render. However, the equation remains unaltered.
Figure: A Content topic with some inline LaTex equations and a learner’s view of the
This feature implements PIE ideas D1822 and D7732.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to administrators due to the availability of the new d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.InlineLaTeX (OrgUnit) configuration variable. | Availability: This feature is available to all clients using any version of the Editor. To enable: The d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.InlineLaTeX (OrgUnit) configuration variable is turned ON by default for new clients. This configuration variable is turned OFF by default for existing clients. |
Slight impact to instructors due to the ability to add inline LaTex equations using the Editor. | Availability: N/A To enable: Ensure that your administrator has turned on the d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.InlineLaTeX (OrgUnit) configuration variable for your organization unit. |
Data Hub – Course Publisher Brightspace Data Sets | New
To increase the value of the Data Hub offering, this release adds the following new Course Publisher Brightspace Data Sets, which return details from the Course Publisher tool, introduced in the May 2021/20.21.5 release:
- Content Publisher Recipients:
- Total number of new users created in a specific range
- Unique enrolments
- Course accessed
- Number of unique users accessed
- User access logs (date, time, userID, type of course package launch (AICC or LTI))
- LMS type (Brightspace or non-Brightspace)
- Content Publisher Launches:
- User access logs (date, time, userID, Recipient ID)
- Unique enrolments
- Number and type of course package launches (AICC or LTI)
- LMS type (Brightspace or non-Brightspace)
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to administrators due to the addition of a new data set. | Availability: This feature is available to Brightspace Insights and Brightspace Core clients in
all regions. The Course Publisher tool is an add-on for clients with Brightspace Core. To
purchase the add-on, contact your Client Sales Executive. To enable: To enable the Course Publisher tool, refer to the Course Publisher - Administrator Guide. For the new Course Publisher Brightspace Data Sets, ensure the Can Access Brightspace Data Sets permission is granted to administrators at the org level. New data sets appear the first time the data set runs after the version update. You must also ensure the d2l.Tools.BrightspaceDataSets.Version configuration variable is set to version 6. |
Data Hub - Learning Outcomes Brightspace Data Sets | New
To increase the value of the Data Hub offering, this release adds the following new Learning Outcomes Brightspace Data Sets (BDS), which return details from the Learning Outcomes tool:
- Outcomes Scale Definition: provides details about the achievement scales created for all your org units.
- Outcomes Scale Level Definition: provides details about the outcomes scale levels created for all your org units.
- Outcome Details: provides details about the outcomes that are part of all registries in all your org units.
- Outcome Registry Owners: provides details about the registries that are associated with your programs or org units.
- Outcomes in Registries: provides details about which outcomes belong to which registries for all your org units.
- Outcomes Aligned to Tool Objects: provides details of which outcomes are aligned to which assessment tools for all your org units.
- Outcomes Demonstrations: provides details about outcomes assessments for all your org units.
- Outcomes Program Details: provides details about the programs that are defined to hold a collection of outcomes (registry).
For more information about what these new data sets capture and how to use them, refer to this blog post: Introducing Outcomes Data Sets in the Brightspace Data Hub.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to administrators due to the addition of new Brightspace Data Sets. | Availability: This feature is available to Brightspace Insights and Brightspace Core clients in
all regions. To enable: Ensure the Can Access Brightspace Data Sets permission is granted to administrators at the org level. New data sets appear the first time the data set runs after the CD update. |
Data Hub - Versioning columns added to Brightspace Data Sets | Updated
To help Data Hub users disambiguate Brightspace Data Set (BDS) differentials where the records may be out of order or duplicated, this release adds the following versioning columns to existing data sets:
- New Version column added to Assignment Summary BDS.
- New LastModified column added to Checklist Completions BDS.
When multiple rows in the data extract have the same primary key value, users can identify the most recent row based on which row has a higher value in the versioning column. For more information, refer to this blog post: Multiple Records in Brightspace Data Sets.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Moderate impact to administrators due to the addition of new columns to existing Brightspace Data Sets. | Availability: This feature is available to Brightspace Insights and Brightspace Core clients in
all regions. To enable: Ensure the Can Access Brightspace Data Sets permission is granted to administrators at the org level. |
Email – Auto save outgoing messages | New
When users send email messages, these sent messages are automatically saved in the Sent Mail folder. As a result, the User Account > Email Settings > Save a copy of each outgoing message to the Sent Mail folder check box is no longer available.
Figure: The Email Settings page before this email setup improvement
Figure: The Email Settings page after this email setup improvement
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to all users due to the improved email setup. | Availability: This feature is available to all clients. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for all Email users. |
Import/Export/Copy Components – Export course metadata | New
Brightspace Learning Environment course packages now include metadata that identify the Course Name, Course Code, and Language used in the course. This metadata is displayed in the IMSManifest.XML file.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to administrators and instructors due to the added metadata in the IMSManifest.XML file. | Availability: After first being introduced to a small group of clients, this feature is now available
to all clients. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for all Import/Export/Copy Component users. Note: This feature is an addition to Brightspace course packages and does not impact import capabilities of older Brightspace course packages. |
Rubrics - Detach rubric warning for feature assignment creation experience | Updated
When an attached rubric is deleted from an evaluated assignment, if evaluations of that rubric have been performed, the user now receives a detach rubric confirmation message for the assignment. This change applies to the New Assignment Creation Experience.
Figure: The Rubric Detachment confirmation dialog.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors using Rubrics with the New Assignment Creation Experience. | Availability: This feature is available for all clients using the New Assignment Creation Experience. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Rubrics users. To turn on the New Rubrics Evaluation Experience, ensure the d2l.Tools.Dropbox.CreateExperienceOptIn configuration variable is set to On or On (opt in). |
Rubrics – Reorder criterion groups | Updated
In order to increase the value of rubric criterion groups, it is now possible to reorder those criterion groups in the New Rubric Creation Experience. If more than one criterion group appears in your rubric, direction arrows appear to the left of the criterion group header to reorder the criterion groups in the rubric. If only one criterion group appears in your rubric, the direction buttons do not appear.
This implements PIE item D5263.
Figure: Direction arrows located beside the criterion group header
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors using the New Rubric Creation Experience. | Availability: This feature is available for all clients using the New Rubric Creation Experience.
To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Rubrics users. To turn on the New Rubrics Creation Experience, the d2l.Tools.Rubrics.CreateExperienceOptIn configuration variable is set to On or On (opt in). |
Rubrics – Replace legacy Rubric grading in Competency Manual Assessment items with New Rubric Experience | Updated
To hasten the end of life of the legacy Rubric experience, manual assessment for competency items now display the New Rubric Experience by default. Now, when evaluating a competency manual assessment item, the New Rubric Experience displays automatically.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors using the legacy Rubric evaluation experience; they are now required to use the New Rubric Evaluation Experience. | Availability: This feature is available for all clients using the New Rubric Evaluation Experience
and clients using the legacy Competency tool for manual assessment. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for users of the New Rubrics Evaluation Experience. |
Rubrics – Replace legacy Rubric grading in ePortfolio with new Rubric experience | Updated
To hasten the end of life of the legacy Rubric Experience, ePortfolio items now display the New Rubric Experience by default. Now, when evaluating an ePortfolio item, the New Rubric Evaluation Experience appears automatically.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors using the legacy Rubric Evaluation Experience; they are now required to use the New Rubric Experience. | Availability: This feature is available for all clients using the New Rubric Evaluation Experience
and ePortfolio. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for users of the New Rubrics Evaluation Experience and ePortfolio. |
Rubrics – Replace legacy Rubric grading in Grade items with new Rubric experience | Updated
To hasten the end of life of the legacy Rubric experience, Grade items now display the New Rubric Evaluation Experience. Now, when you evaluating an indirect rubric on a grade item, the New Rubric Experience appears by default when evaluating a grade item with a direct rubric association. With this change, all grade book workflows now follow the New Rubric Experience.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors using the legacy Rubric Evaluation Experience; they are now required to use the New Rubric Experience. | Availability: This feature is available for all clients using the New Rubric Evaluation Experience.
To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for users of the New Rubrics Evaluation Experience. To turn on the updated Rubrics experience, ensure the d2l.Tools.Rubrics.CreateExperienceOptIn configuration variable is set to On or On (opt in). |
IPSIS - OneRoster® section association | New
OneRoster® now includes additional logging for Section Association course deletion
events when merging or moving sections, as part of an IPSIS Section Association Tool
workflow. Full updates will now correctly maintain the history of Section Association
changes and no longer recreate the course offering that was deleted.
This update resolves known issue PRB0055758, such that IPSIS can track the historical
relationships between a course offering and a section and prevent faculty members
from being incorrectly unenrolled from course offerings as part of a section association
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to administrators due to the improvement to merge history in OneRoster®. |
Availability: This feature is available to all clients To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for OneRoster® users. |
Slight impact to instructors due to the resolution of existing known issue PRB0055758. | N/A |
SCORM – Export and import course packages across orgs | New
Administrators can now export and import course packages containing SCORM objects
across orgs. Previously, course packages containing SCORM objects could be exported
from an org; however, attempting to import those course packages into a different
org failed.
For example, when an administrator exports a course containing SCORM objects from
Org A, copies of the SCORM objects are added to the exported course package. The end
result is a course package available for import and SCORM objects with all references
to the SCORM objects retained within the original course.
When an administrator imports the course package into Org B, the SCORM objects are
added into the org and re-linked to the imported course so references are not broken
(the physical copy SCORM objects now exist in Org B, separate from Org A, where the
course package was exported from). As a result, any instructor with the Can insert new SCORM objects permission for a course can access the SCORM objects that were copied into the imported
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to administrators and instructors due to the ability to export or import
course packages containing SCORM objects across orgs. |
Availability: This feature is available to all clients. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for SCORM users. If a course contains multiple links to a single SCORM object, the object is exported multiple times, once for each link, and included as a copy in the exported course package. When importing the course package, the package is imported multiple times, once for each link. Bulk Course Copy, Bulk Course Export, and Bulk Course Create also support this new functionality. |