Accommodations - Improvements in Classlist, Quizzes, User Purge, and User Progress | New

This feature builds on the Accommodations - Quiz accommodations | New feature that was released in the February 2021/20.21.2 release.
The following improvements have been made in the Classlist, Quizzes, User Purge, and User Progress tools:
Improvements in Classlist for Instructors:

  • An icon now appears next to the learner’s name in the Classlist to indicate that the learner has an accommodation.
  • Instructors can filter the Classlist by Accommodations.
  • If there are no accommodations granted to a learner, the View accommodations menu option from the learner context menu in the Classlist does not appear. If the instructor role has the Add/Edit Accommodations permission, the Edit Accommodations menu option appears instead.
  • Instructors can also Print or Email a list of users with accommodations by adding the filter to those pages.

Improvements in Classlist for learners:

  • An icon appears next to learners’ own names to indicate they have an accommodation. To view accommodation details, learners can click My Accommodations from their learner context menu.
  • When commencing a quiz, the accommodation icon appears next to a learner’s quiz time to indicate that their accommodation has been applied. If a learner’s time accommodation has been overridden by a quiz-specific special access, this icon does not appear.

Improvements in Quizzes for instructors:

  • Instructors can now grant learners special access in terms of quiz time multipliers (for example, 1.5x quiz time) or +minutes (for example, an additional 30 minutes). Refer to the Quizzes – Improvements to Special Access functionality | Updated release note for more information.
  • Quiz-specific special access can overwrite an accommodation for any user on a quiz-by-quiz basis. When you overwrite an accommodation and then click Save, a warning describing the impact of overwriting the accommodation appears. Previously, this warning appeared at the top of the Quiz special access screen. Now, it appears on clicking Save.

Improvements in User Purge and User Progress:

  • User purge now includes user accommodations.
  • The accommodations icon now appears in the User Progress tool alongside the Quiz domain if the learner has a quiz accommodation in that course

The User Progress screen (Classlist>User drop-down menu > User Progress)
Figure: The User Progress screen (Classlist>User drop-down menu > User Progress)

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to instructors due to improvements made in the Classlist, Quizzes, and User Progress tools. Availability: These features are available to all clients.

To enable: From Organization Tools, turn on Accommodations.

Ensure that the View Other’s Accommodations and the Add/Edit Accommodations permissions are turned on at the course offering level under the Accommodations tool for the instructor role.

Instructors also require the Has Access to the Classlist permission to access the Add/Edit/View Accommodations workflow.

To ensure a cohesive experience when editing special access, D2L also recommends that users who can add special access in a quiz be given permission to, at least, View Other’s Accommodations.
Slight impact to learners due to the accommodations icon appearing when they are in the Classlist and on the quiz start page next to the quiz time if they have an accommodation. N/A

Assignments - Action menu for group assignments in New Assignment Evaluation Experience | New

The New Assignment Evaluation Experience now includes a drop-down menu from the group name. This menu contains links to:  

  • Email the group (opens in a new window) 
  • See all group members  
  • Instant message the group (opens in a new window) 

This feature implements PIE item D822. 

Figure: The drop-down action menu appears from the Group Name on the File Submission page in Assignments
Figure: The drop-down action menu appears from the Group Name on the File Submission page in Assignments

Impact of Change Technical Details
Moderate impact to instructors due to the workflow change and the ability to view and communicate with group members from Assignments.  

Availability: This feature is available to all clients using the New Assignment Evaluation Experience.  
To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for New Assignment Evaluation Experience users.  

To enable the New Assignment Evaluation Experience, set the d2l.Tools.Activities.ConsistentEvaluationOptIn configuration variable to On(Opt-In) or On. 

Assignments - Anonymous marking in the New Assignment Evaluation Experience | New

This feature makes anonymous marking fully supported in the New Assignment Evaluation Experience. When using Anonymous marking, the Anonymous User number appears in place of the username, just as it appeared in the legacy Assignments experience. In addition, the following features of anonymous marking remain the same: 

  • No profile card appears for anonymous users  
  • Usernames become visible once any learner’s evaluation is published 
  • Group names are always visible even when using anonymous marking 
  • Rubrics do not include the user’s name  

Anonymous marking uses Publish All instead of the Publish button. If no feedback for anonymous users has yet been published, the Publish button is disabled and a message appears to direct users to the Publish All button. If any user feedback has been published, all Publish buttons become automatically enabled.

User-added image

Figure: Anonymous marking in Assignments displays learners as Anonymous User [#] instead of by username.


Impact of Change Technical Details
Moderate impact to instructors due to new Anonymous marking workflows.  

Availability: This feature is available to all clients using the New Assignment Evaluation Experience.  
To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for New Assignment Evaluation Experience users.  

To enable the New Assignment Evaluation Experience, set the d2l.Tools.Activities.ConsistentEvaluationOptIn configuration variable to On(Opt-In) or On. 

Assignments - Brightspace Editor in the new Assignment Creation Experience | New

Review the Brightspace Editor - Replaces the HTML Editor | New release note to learn more about the features of Brightspace Editor.  

The new Brightspace Editor replaces the previous HTML Editor as the default HTML Editor in the new Assignment Creation Experience.

Note that the new Editor does NOT require enabling the new d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.NewEditor (Org) configuration variable in the new Assignment Creation Experience. The new Editor is automatically enabled when you turn on the new Assignment Creation Experience.

Impact of Change  Technical Details 
Moderate impact to all users of Assignments.  Availability: This feature is available to all clients using the New Assignment Creation Experience.  
To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for New Assignment Creation Experience users.  
The new assignment creation experience is set to On (Opt-in) by default. Administrators can override this value in the d2l.Tools.Dropbox.CreateExperienceOptIn (OrgUnit) configuration variable.  

Instructors may opt into or out of the new assignment creation experience within a specific course at any time. If the new assignment creation experience is set as Off or On, instructors cannot control their use of the feature:
  • If Off, the feature is unavailable.
  • If On, the feature replaces the old screens in the workflow without the option to switch back. 

Assignments - Brightspace Editor in the New Assignment Evaluation Experience | New

Review the Brightspace Editor - Replaces the HTML Editor | New release note to learn more about the features of Brightspace Editor.

The new Brightspace Editor replaces the previous HTML Editor as the default HTML Editor in the New Assignment Evaluation Experience.

Note: The new Editor does NOT require enabling the new d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.NewEditor (Org) configuration variable in the New Assignment Evaluation Experience. The new Editor is automatically enabled when you turn on the New Assignment Evaluation Experience.

This feature implements PIE item D7383.


Impact of Change Technical Details
Moderate impact to all users of Assignments. 

Availability: This feature is available to all clients using the New Assignment Evaluation Experience.
To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for New Assignment Evaluation Experience users.  

To enable the New Assignment Evaluation Experience, set the d2l.Tools.Activities.ConsistentEvaluationOptIn configuration variable to On(Opt-In) or On.

Assignments - Context menu on the Evaluation screen in the New Assignment Evaluation Experience | New

A new context menu appears in the side panel of the updated assignment evaluation screen. This menu links to the following:

  • Edit Activity (opens assignment page in new tab). This option appears for users who have the See and Manage Assignment Submission Folders permission.
  • Special Access Dates (opens the Edit Activity screen so users can update Special Access rules). This option requires the Set Special Access on Assignment Submission Folders permission.

Note: The context menu will not appear if the user does not have the required permissions to access these links.

Figure: The new context menu appears when grading a submission in the New Assignment Evaluation Experience
Figure: The new context menu appears when grading a submission in the New Assignment Evaluation Experience

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators due to the requirement to set permissions for users who want to access the context menu. Availability: This feature is available to all clients using the New Assignment Evaluation Experience.
To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for New Assignment Evaluation Experience users.
  • To enable the New Assignment Evaluation Experience, set the d2l.Tools.Activities.ConsistentEvaluationOptIn configuration variable to On(Opt-In) or On.
  • Ensure the required roles have the See and Manage Assignment Submission Folders permission and the Set Special Access on Assignment Submission Folders permission.
Slight impact to instructors due to the workflow change in Assignments. N/A

Assignments - Single file submissions open directly in the New Assignment Evaluation Experience | New

In the New Assignment Evaluation Experience, when a learner has submitted only one file, the evaluator no longer has to click into the evaluation and then into the file. The file opens directly for the evaluator, saving a click during the evaluation process. Late submission information continues to display above the file, as it currently does.

This feature implements PIE item D5687.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to instructors due to the workflow change.  Availability: This feature is available to all clients using the New Assignment Evaluation Experience.  
To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for New Assignment Evaluation Experience users.

To enable the New Assignment Evaluation Experience, set the d2l.Tools.Activities.ConsistentEvaluationOptIn configuration variable to On(Opt-In) or On.

Brightspace Editor – Replaces the HTML Editor | New

This feature releases the new and improved Brightspace Editor.

To enable the new Brightspace Editor across Brightspace Learning Environment, set the new d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.NewEditor configuration variable to On. This configuration variable will be turned On and deprecated in the August 2021/20.21.8 release, making the new Brightspace Editor the only editor experience in Brightspace Learning Environment going forward.

As of the April 2021/20.21.4 release, the new Brightspace Editor permanently replaces the previous editor in the new Assignment Evaluation Experience and the new Assignment Creation Experience. The new Brightspace Editor will be the only editor available in all new experiences released from April 2021 onwards. The new Editor will be released in the following tools at a later date:

  • Quiz Builder
  • Activity Feed
  • New Rubrics

User-added image

Figure: The previous HTML Editor

Figure: The new Brightspace Editor
Figure: The new Brightspace Editor

The new Brightspace Editor includes the following improvements to existing features:  

  • Refreshed formatting options 
  • The Lato font type 
  • A refreshed color picker 
  • A refreshed font size menu 
  • A comprehensive and standard emoticon menu 
  • A comprehensive and refreshed Symbols menu 
  • An advanced source code editor 
  • A refreshed Tables feature, including data sorting 
  • A refreshed Accessibility Checker 
  • The Check Accessibility, HTML Source Editor, Preview, and Toggle Full Screen functionalities have now been placed in the top bar

The Editor also includes the following new features:

  • Wordcount functionality that includes words, characters, and text selection.
  • Context menus while editing to enable quick access to text, link, and image editing options; including advanced image editing options. Note that image editing is not available in all context menus yet.
  • A new overflow menu with additional, less frequently used menu options.

The list below outlines what is not included in the Editor:

  • Spell check functionality. D2L recommends using your browser spell check functionality.
  • Cut/Paste functionality. D2L recommends using your browser hot keys/menus for this functionality.

Refer to the blog post, The new Brightspace Editor, for more information. 

Impact of Change Technical Details
Moderate impact to administrators due to the ability to turn on the new Brightspace Editor. Availability: This feature is available to all clients.

To enable: Ensure that the d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.NewEditor (Org) configuration variable is set to On.
Note: The new Editor is the only editor available in the New Assignment Creation Experience and in the New Assignment Evaluation Experience as of this release and are not controlled by the d2l.Tools.WYSIWYG.NewEditor (Org) configuration variable.
Moderate impact to instructors and learners due to the ability to use the new Brightspace Editor across most tools in Brightspace Learning Environment. N/A


Classlist – Search filter when adding existing users | Updated

When enrolling users in a course, an administrator or instructor can now deselect the Include users already enrolled in org unit check box to set their search filter to filter out users already enrolled in the course.
Figure: The Add Existing Users page prior to the additional search filter

Figure: The Add Existing Users page prior to the additional search filter
Figure: The Add Existing Users page with the new Enrollment search filter

Figure: The Add Existing Users page with the new Enrollment search filter

This feature implements PIE item D6736.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators and instructors due to the new Enrollment search filter. Availability: This feature is available to all clients.

To enable: This feature is automatically enabled for users with access to the Classlist tool.
Ensure that the Has Access to the Classlist permission is turned on for the administrator and instructor roles.
Note: The Include users already enrolled in org unit check box is selected by default.

Content - URL topics now Open as External Resource by default | Updated

Previously, when a user created a new URL Content type, the Open as External Resource option was not selected by default. In some cases, this caused a Cross-Origin resource sharing (CORS) error to appear when viewing the content topics. Now, the URL Content type, such as a Google Team Drive Public link, has the Open as External Resource check box selected by default. Users can choose to deliberately remove the Open as External Resource option if necessary. If it is deselected, users are advised that D2L recommends opening links in a new window to prevent issues viewing the resource before saving.

When viewing a content topic that is a URL, the button to open the resource in a new window always appears so that if the content cannot load in an embedded frame, a user can choose to open the content in a new window.

Note: This applies to the classic Content experience only.

This feature partially implements PIE item D4798.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to instructors due to the new default setting during URL topic content creation and prompt when the default is deselected. Availability: This feature is available to clients using the classic Content experience with Google Docs integration. 
To enable: This feature is automatically enabled for classic Content experience users.
Slight impact to learners due to additional options to open in a new window always appearing for content topic URLs.  N/A

Data Hub – Additional columns for Brightspace Data Sets | Updated

To increase the value of the Data Hub offering, this release adds and updates the following:

  • New LastModified column added to TurnItIn Submissions BDS.
  • New IsSharedWithInstructor column added to Portfolio Evidence Objects BDS.
  • New DateSharedWithInstructor column added to Portfolio Evidence Objects BDS.
  • Existing TurnItInEnabled column in Assignment Summary BDS updated to track if TurnItIn v2 is enabled. Previously, this column only reported on TurnItIn v1.
Impact of Change Technical Details
Moderate impact to administrators due to the addition of new columns. Availability: This feature is available to Brightspace Insights and Brightspace Core clients in all regions. 

To enable: Ensure the Can Access Brightspace Data Sets permission is granted to administrators at the org level.

Data Hub – End of Adoption Period for Brightspace Data Sets Version 6 | Updated

Version 6 includes major changes that remove columns in existing Brightspace Data Sets:

  • Removed HasReleaseCondition column from Announcements BDS.
  • Removed ActivityType, ActivityName, ObjectLookupId, AssessmentType, RubricName, RubricLevelRequired, AssessmentThreshold, and AssessmentThresholdCriteria columns from Competency Activity Results BDS.
  • Removed ForumId column from Discussion Posts BDS.
  • Removed SymbolString, RangeStart, RangeEnd, and AssignedValue columns from Grade Schemes BDS.
  • Removed LevelAchieved column from Rubric Assessment Criteria BDS.
  • Removed RubricName, LevelAchieved, and ActivityName columns from Rubric Assessment BDS.
  • Removed SurveyName column from Survey Attempts BDS.

The adoption period for Brightspace Data Sets Version 6 was first announced in the October 2020/20.20.10 release notes.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Large impact to administrators who have not already opted in to Brightspace Data Sets Version 6. Availability: This feature is available to Brightspace Insights and Brightspace Core clients in all regions. 

To enable: Ensure the Can Access Brightspace Data Sets permission is granted to administrators at the org level.

Grades – Mastery View calculation improvements | Updated

Mastery View was originally released for the Grades tool in December 2020/20.20.12. To increase the value of the Mastery View of the Grades tool in Brightspace Learning Environment, there have been improvements to the calculation functionality: 

  • When you switch to a calculation method, but do not save the new method, you can return to the original calculation method, and restore the original values of the Choose Activities to use in the calculation field. If you switch to a new calculation method and save the new method, if you return to the original calculation method, the Choose Activities to use in the Calculation field uses the default values. 
  • When evidence is deleted in Portfolio, the Mastery View determines whether to use the evidence in the learner’s overall achievement calculations according to the following criteria: 
    • If the evidence is soft-deleted (meaning it was deleted by a learner or instructor but can be restored by an instructor from the Instructor View), then the evidence is included in the achievement calculations. 
    • If the evidence is hard-deleted (meaning it was permanently deleted and cannot be restored), then the evidence is not included in the achievement calculations. 
Impact of Change Technical Details
Moderate disruption to instructors who can now use the Mastery view.  Availability: This feature is available to all clients using Learning Outcomes. 

To enable: The Mastery view is available when you add outcomes to your courses. If the Mastery view is not available, verify that there are learning outcomes in your course offering. 
Ensure that you have Grades enabled at the org level and the course offering level. There are no new or additional configuration variables required; however, you must continue to have the Learning Outcomes configuration variables set up for the Learning Outcomes tool to function correctly and provide content to display in the Mastery view.


Language Management – End-of-life of the Hijiri calendar | Removed

As of the April 2021 release, the Hijiri calendar for Arabic locales is no longer available as a locale setting or user preference. The decision to end-of-life the Hijiri calendar is due to low usage and lack of support in Brightspace's current date-time components.

For administrators, the Hijiri calendar is no longer available when configuring Arabic locales from the Locale Management tool.

For all users with an Arabic locale, the Hijiri calendar automatically converts to the standard Gregorian calendar.

Impact of Change Technical Details

Slight impact to users that currently use an Arabic locale with the Hijiri calendar.

Availability: N/A

To enable: Before updating to the April 2021 release, D2L recommends notifying users affected by this change, and then migrating those users to a new Arabic locale that does not use the Hijiri calendar. 

Administrators can then delete the old Arabic locale using the Hijiri calendar. When deleting the locale, the delete tool prompts for a replacement locale, which is the new Arabic locale that does not use the Hijiri calendar. Deleting the old locale ensures that learners do not select a custom locale called “Arabic: Hijri” without the Hijri calendar.

Learning Paths - Unique Org Unit code for Learning Paths | New

To support clients who use bulk tools for enrolling learners into learning paths, there is now a Learning Path code field in the create and edit workflows. The default learning path code was previously hard coded as LP, however, which presented problems uniquely identifying learning paths for enrollment.  
Now, users can assign a unique org unit code when creating or editing learning paths. There cannot be a null value; if the client clears the code, it is automatically saved as LP; however, clients can override that value.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight Impact to clients who create or edit learning paths due to a new unique org unit code. Availability: This feature is available to all clients 
To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Learning Paths users. 

Quizzes – Improvements to Special Access functionality | Updated

This feature is in line with the improvements made to the Quizzes tool as listed in the Accommodations – Improvements in Classlist, Quizzes, User Purge, and User Progress | New feature. However, it is not dependent on granting any accommodations permissions, and is visible to any user with permission to Add Special Access.

Instructors can now grant learners special access in terms of quiz time multipliers (for example, 1.5x quiz time) or +minutes (for example, an additional 30 minutes). For example, if an instructor has a 30-minute quiz and using the Special Access page, grants three learners 1.5x the quiz time, their updated quiz time of 45 minutes displays. Instructors no longer have to manually calculate the updated quiz time.

Note: After extending the learners quiz time by way of quiz time multipliers or +minutes on the Special Access page, if an instructor updates the duration of the quiz, the learner’s quiz time on the Special Access page does not dynamically update at this time.

Figure: The Add Special Access screen before the updated quiz time functionality
Figure: The Add Special Access screen before the updated quiz time functionality

Figure: The Add Special Access screen with the updated Timing area
Figure: The Add Special Access screen with the updated Timing area 

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to instructors due to ability to grants users quiz time extensions by way of quiz time multipliers or +minutes. Availability: These features are available to all clients.

To enable: Ensure that the existing Add Special Access permission is turned on for the instructor role. Refer to the Quizzes permissions topic for more information.

Quizzes – Secure and consistent editing experience | New

For a more secure and consistent editing experience in Brightspace, creating any of the following question types now automatically filters out JavaScript and non-standard HTML: Likert, Ordering, Matching, Fill in the Blanks, Short Answer, Multi-Short Answer, Arithmetic, and Significant Figures. For existing questions containing JavaScript and non-standard HTML, the questions continue to display as intended until an instructor edits and saves the questions, which removes the JavaScript and non-standard HTML. Previously, instructors could add JavaScript or non-standard HTML to question types in order to create dynamic content for quizzes.

Impact of Change Technical Details

No impact to administrators.

Availability: This feature is available to Brightspace Core clients. 

To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled when creating new question types. To remove JavaScript and non-standard HTML from existing questions, edit and save the questions.

Moderate impact to instructors due to any JavaScript or non-standard HTML in existing question types D2L recommends reviewing all question types containing JavaScript and non-standard HTML and modifying as needed, ensuring that the questions display as intended for learners. For example, to add code to a question type, use the HTML <code> tag.

Rubrics – Navigation Accessibility Improvements | Updated

This feature was originally released for the Rubrics tool in June 2020/20.20.6 and updated in July 2020/20.20.7 and March 2021/20.21.3. To increase the value of the rubric tool in Brightspace Learning Environment, there have been accessibility improvements to the rubric creation and evaluation workflows: 

  • Screen readers now inform users of controls for adding feedback to criteria when reading the criteria group table. The table summary now includes the following text: This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first-row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.  
  • When a score field has the focus, the screen reader now informs the user if it is a criterion score or a total score based on the field label. It also indicates which criterion the score is associated with and what action the user can take. For example: 2/4, score of Criterion 1. Press Enter to override the criterion score. 
  • Previously, the Total Score and Criterion Score fields did not clearly indicate whether the score is a manual override. The override information appeared in a tooltip that was not visible to assistive technology including screen readers; an asterisk was the only differentiator. Now, the screen reader can read the tooltip content when the Total Score or Criterion Score fields have the focus.  
  • Previously, when the Total Score was a manual override, the Clear Override button appeared; however, when Criterion Score was a manual override, the Clear Override button only appeared if the focus was on the score. Now, Clear Override appears when either the Total Score or the Criterion Score is a manual override, regardless of where the focus is. 
  • To improve usability with assistive technology, the Add Feedback button indicates to screen readers the criterion to which the feedback is associated. The Clear Feedback button also indicates the associated criterion.  
  • When the keyboard focus moves to the default rubric group or new criteria group, the screen reader now tells users the number of rubric levels and criteria in the group.  
  • Previously, users who used keyboard-only navigation and screen readers were not able to delete aligned outcomes. Now, when a user navigates to the Browse Standards button and focuses on an outcome tag, the screen reader reads the tag content and provides guidance that they can press Delete to remove the aligned outcome 
  • Previously, the screen reader only read the content of the level name and points fields and indicated that it was a text field. There was no indication of the significance of the field. Now, when the level name text field has the focus, screen readers indicate that the field is for editing the name of a specific level. When the points text field has the focus, the screen reader indicates that the field is for editing the points of a specific level. 


Impact of Change Technical Details 
Slight disruption due to improved navigation for clients using assistive technology, including screen readers.  Availability: This feature is available to all clients using assistive technology with the updated Rubrics experience. 

To enable: This functionality is automatically available to updated Rubrics experience users. To turn on the updated Rubrics tool, ensure the d2l.Tools.Rubrics.CreateExperienceOptIn configuration variable is set to On or On (opt in).  


IPSIS - CSV Validation mode and interface update | New

The new Validation mode is available to IPSIS clients using D2L Standard CSV. This tool helps validate CSV files before loading them into IPSIS.
Previously, clients had to copy a portion of their CSV file and paste it into the validator in the Brightspace 101 course; this was tedious and at times resulted in incorrect errors.
Now, using a tool to run a .zip file in validation mode allows the IPSIS platform to run all files and provide feedback on missing columns and enumeration (enum) issues.
When in validation mode, files run but do not process any changes in Brightspace Learning Environment. A summary of the run is provided in the IPSIS Administration dashboard. 
The validation process includes: 

  • .zip includes CSV files and manifest when required (v1.1, v2.0) 
  • File naming convention meets requirements (orgs, users, enrollments)  
  • Column headers meet requirements 
  • Appropriate number of commas, correct escaping of data 
  • Formats meet requirements (such as date) 
  • Required fields are populated 
  • Encoding is UTF-8 
  • Invalid characters are not included in Org unit codes and names 
    • Org Illegal characters: : % & # * ? < > | \ " ' and leading or trailing spaces. 
    • Users Illegal characters: \ / : * ? " < > | ' , ; 
  • Attributes - If header begins with 'LMS Username', the file is assumed to be an attribute file and is sent to Manager Dashboard 
  • Files do not have empty rows

 The validation process does not include: 

  • Validation of data in file as it would run against the Learning Environment or with each file. For example, if a Course Template has a parent Department, and the Department was not sent in the Department file, it does not result in an error. 

For IPSIS clients (excluding those using IPSIS V1.0), minor UI changes are visible to clearly indicate the status of their source system (Enabled, Disabled, or Validation (if applicable)). Clients can still rename their source system, but a new sub header displays the source system type. This helps administrators find appropriate documentation and can help properly identify the source system type when opening support incidents.
Note: The Validation status is only available to clients using D2L Standard CSV.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators using D2L Standard CSV due to the ability to use the new validation mode. User interface changes impact all IPSIS clients excluding those using IPSIS V1.0. Availability: This feature is available to all clients using IPSIS.

To enable: This feature is automatically enabled for users with access to the IPSIS Administration dashboard.

LTI® 1.3 - Dynamic registration available | New

Dynamic registration has been implemented to simplify the process of sharing registration details between an LTI Advantage tool and Brightspace Learning Environment. There are multiple registration details that must be exchanged between Brightspace Learning Environment and the LTI Advantage tool. This specification allows Brightspace to initiate the registration process to the LTI Advantage tool, automating the process and eliminating human error.

Impact of Change Technical Details
Slight impact to administrators due to the ability to use dynamic registration to simplify the process of sharing registration details between an LTI Advantage tool and Brightspace Learning Environment. Availability: This feature is available to all clients

To enable: In Manage Extensibility > LTI Advantage create a new LTI Advantage registration and select Dynamic from the available options. Use the dynamic registration URL provided by the tool to initiate the dynamic registration process.