Brightspace Platform September 2018/10.8.5 Release Notes
The following release notes are for clients installing Brightspace Learning Environment 10.8.5 (September 2018).
Brightspace Learning Environment
Content – Print/Download Function added to Overview | New
Users can now download and print an uploaded syllabus from the Course Overview area of Content . Note that when viewing a PDF file only Download is visible, while all other document types will display both Download and Print options.
This feature implements PIE item D3679.
Figure: The Download and Print buttons as they appear in the Course Overview area
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to learners due to the addition of Downloadand Print options in the Course Overview area of Content. |
Availability: This feature is available to all clients. To enable: Ensure the Download Content Topics content permission is enabled. Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices location(s): N/A User Resources: For more information to share with users, visit the Brightspace Learning Environment - Learner Guide(print-based resources) or View course content (online resource). |
Slight impact to instructors due to the ability to upload a syllabus document to the Course Overviewarea of Content. | N/A |
Data Hub – Additional columns in various data sets - AWS Enabled | Updated
New columns are now available in various Brightspace Data Sets:
- SortOrder column has been added to Content Objects, Quiz Objects, Assignment Summary and Discussion Posts
- IsAttemptRldb column has been added to Quiz Objects to report on Respondus settings
- IsSubviewRldb column has been added to Quiz Objects to report on Respondus settings
- EditDate column has been added to Discussion Posts
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to administrators who now have additional content in the affected data. |
Availability: This feature is available to AWS-hosted and co-located Brightspace Insights and Brightspace Core clients in the following regions: North America, EMEA, and APAC. To enable: Ensure the Can Access Brightspace Data Setspermission is granted at the org level. Microservices dependencies: Data Hub functionality depends on the Authentication Service and Landlord Service microservices. Microservices location(s): Authentication Service and Landlord Service are in the following Amazon Web Services™ (AWS) location: U.S. East (N. Virginia). User Resources: For information on Data Hub to share with users, refer to the Brightspace Analytics – Administrator Guide(print-based resources) or the Brightspace Data Sets web topics for administrators (online resource) at release. As a part of this update, the full and differential data sets are updated. Full data sets can be generated weekly or daily, and differential data sets can be generated daily or hourly. |
Data Hub – New Impersonated Session History advanced data set - AWS Enabled | New
Impersonated Session History is a new advanced data set that includes sessions that
were impersonated by an administrator or D2L Support (reported as D2LSupport).
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to administrators who can use the new advanced data set. |
Availability: This feature is available to AWS-hosted and co-located Brightspace Insights and Brightspace Core clients in the following regions: North America, EMEA, and APAC. To enable: This requires the new Can execute Impersonated Session History permission. Microservices dependencies: Advanced data set functionality depends on the Authentication Service and Landlord Service microservices. Microservices location(s): Authentication Service and Landlord Service are in the following Amazon Web Services™ (AWS) location: U.S. East (N. Virginia). User Resources: For information on Data Hub to share with users, refer to the Brightspace Analytics – Administrator Guide(print-based resources) or Advanced Data Sets (online resource). |
Data Hub – User Logins data set changes - AWS Enabled | Updated
The User Logins data set now correctly reports on impersonated logins.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to administrators who now have additional content for impersonated logins. |
Availability: This feature is available to AWS-hosted and co-located Brightspace Insights and Brightspace Core clients in the following regions: North America, EMEA, and APAC. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Data Hub users. No further action is required. Ensure the Can Access Brightspace Data Sets permission is granted at the org level. Microservices dependencies: Data Hub functionality depends on the Authentication Service and Landlord Service microservices. Microservices location(s): Authentication Service and Landlord Service are in the following Amazon Web Services™ (AWS) location: U.S. East (N. Virginia). User Resources: For information on Data Hub to share with users, refer to the Brightspace Analytics – Administrator Guide(print-based resources) or the Brightspace Data Sets web topics for administrators (online resource) at release. As a part of this update, the full and differential data sets are updated. Full data sets can be generated weekly or daily, and differential data sets can be generated daily or hourly. |
Discussions – Create groups and section threads in existing topics | New
Administrators and instructors can now associate existing discussion topics to a new group or section during the group or section creation process. In addition, users can associate existing discussion topics to groups or sections not associated with any other discussion topic. Note that users can only choose existing discussion topics that have no existing discussion posts for association. This feature is useful for creating groups or sections after copying a course, or if discussion topics are accidentally created before groups or sections.
Figure: The Set up discussion areas option, as seen when creating new groups or sections
Figure: The Attach to existing topic option, visible when editing an existing group or section
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors due to new options in the group and section creation workflow. |
Availability: This feature is available to all clients. To enable: Ensure that Course has sections is turned on in Course Offering Information. Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices location(s): N/A User Resources: For more information to share with users, visit the Interact and Engage with Learners – Instructor Guide (print-based resources) or Create group work areas for learners(online resource). |
Grades - Add grade release date to Grade Event Log | Updated
This feature enables instructors with the Manage Grades permission to view the exact date and time a learner's grade is released or unreleased. The Grade Event Log now includes a column that displays the type of event that occurred (Grade Released and / or Grade Unreleased) in addition to the existing Grade Updated events. As a result, instructors can review and validate the dates a learner's grades were released or unreleased.
Note: No historic data is available for grades that were released / unreleased prior to this feature.
The following events are now included in the User Grades Event Log:
- Grade Released
- Grade Unreleased
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors due to the ability to view the exact date and time a learner's grade is released or unreleased. |
Availability: This feature is available to all clients. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Grades users. The existing Manage Grades permission must also be selected for instructors at the course level. Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices location(s): N/A User Resources: For more information to share with users, visit the Assess and Grade Learners – Instructor Guide (print-based resources) or the Managing grades and grade items web topics for instructors (online resource) at release. |
Groups and Sections – Differentiate between similar learner names in groups and sections
| New
Instructors can now differentiate between duplicate learner names by displaying the username or Org Defined Id beside a learner's name. Instructors can enable this option in both the Manage Groups and Manage Sections tools.
This feature implements PIE items D2801 and D777.
Figure: The learner Org Defined Id, as it appears beside the learner’s name
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors who can now enable the display of additional identifying information beside a user's name. |
Availability: This feature is available to all clients. To enable this feature, instructors must navigate to either the Manage Groups or Manage Sections page and do the following:
Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices locations: N/A User Resources: For more information to share with users, visit the Interact and Engage with Learners – Instructor Guide (print-based resources) or Interact and engage with learners (online resource). |
HTML Editor - Add quicklinks to content modules, submodules and course overview |
Users can now link directly to content modules, submodules, and course overviews (if available) from the Insert Quicklink option in the HTML editor. This change allows users to insert quicklinks to specific portions of course content within any tool with the HTML Editor. Previously, only a link to the Content tool was available from the Insert Quicklink option in the HTML editor.
This feature implements PIE items D545, D2033, and D1731.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors due to the ability to link directly to specific course content using the Insert Quicklink option in the HTML editor. |
Availability: This feature is available to all clients. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for HTML Editor users. No further action is required. Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices location(s): N/A User Resources: For more information on the HTML Editor to share with users, visit the Set Up And Deliver A Course – Instructor Guide (print-based resources) or the Format HTML course content (online resource). |
HTML Editor - Chemistry equation writing and Handwriting functions available in the
equation editor | New
A chemistry equation writing function is now available in the HTML Editor. Users can select this feature directly within the equation editor.
The handwriting function enables users to write equations using a stylus or finger. This is particularly ideal for users of mobile devices. The editor transforms handwritten symbols and equations into text. Note that it does not enable hand-drawn graphs.
This feature implements PIE item D3383.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors due to the ability to create new kinds of equations. |
Availability: This feature is available to all clients. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for HTML Editor users. No further action is required. Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices locations: N/A User Resources: For more information on the HTML Editor to share with users, visit the Set Up And Deliver A Course – Instructor Guide (print-based resources) or What are the basics of HTML Editor (online resource). |
HTML Editor - Descriptive error message for quicklinks to unavailable assignments
and discussion topics | New
A specific error message now appears to users who click a quicklink to an assignment or discussion topic that is outside the availability dates. The error message explains that the quicklink for the activity is unavailable. Previously, when clicking a quicklink to an unavailable assignment or discussion topic, users received a non-specific error page that did not clarify the reason they could not access the activity.
This feature implements PIE item D784.
Figure: The new error message screen that appears when users click a quicklink to
an unavailable course activity
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to learners, who now see a specific error message when attempting to access unavailable assignments or discussion topics via quicklinks. |
Availability: This feature is available to all clients. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for HTML Editor users. No further action is required. Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices location(s): N/A User Resources: For more information on the HTML Editor to share with users, visit the Set Up And Deliver A Course – Instructor Guide (print-based resources) or What are the basics of HTML Editor (online resource). |
Import/Export/Copy Components - Copy awards between courses - New
When copying components between courses, administrators and instructors can now choose to include awards and their release conditions. This allows instructors to reuse awards across different courses and sections in Brightspace Learning Environment.
This feature implements PIE item D2707 and D4128.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Moderate impact to administrators and instructors due to the ability to copy awards and their associated release conditions using Import/Export/Copy Components. |
Availability: This feature is available to all clients. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Awards users. No further action is required. Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices location(s): N/A User Resources: For more information to share with users, visit the Measure and Guide Performance and Engagement - Instructor Guide (print-based resources) or Brightspace Help (online resource). |
Release Conditions - Released final grade score condition type | New
Instructors and course designers can release items such as content and awards to learners either based on the learner’s final grade being marked as released or based on their final grade being marked as released and the grade meeting a set threshold. For example, a course survey could be released to a learner once their final grade is released or an award could be released to a learner once their final grade is released and they have received a certain grade. This can be completed everywhere a user can create and attach release conditions.
Instructors and course designers can also use intelligent agents to complete certain tasks based on a learner’s final grade. For example, an intelligent agent could now enroll a student whose grade did not meet a set threshold into a remedial course.
This feature implements PIE items D669, D4295, and D4329.
Figure: Set the Release final grade score release condition in the Create a New Release Condition workflow
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors and course designers due to the availability of a new release condition type and intelligent agent option. |
Availability: This feature is available to all clients. To enable: To set release conditions for a final grade item, users must have the See the Grades tool permission as well as the Attach/Remove Release Conditions on x permission that corresponds to the tool where the release condition is being set (for example Attach/Remove Release Conditions on Quizzes). These permissions are required at the course offering level. To use the intelligent agent component of this functionality, ensure that Intelligent Agents is turned on in Organization Tools. Users must also have the Manage Agents permission at the course offering level. Note: Ensure the course gradebook is not set up to release final grades throughout the course and/or drop ungraded items, as these settings may cause the release condition to be fulfilled earlier than expected. Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices location(s): N/A User Resources: For more information on release conditions, visit the Set Up and Deliver a Course – Instructor Guide (print-based resources) or Release condition types (online resource) at release.. |
Wiggio - End-of-life for virtual meetings - Removed
The ability to schedule Wiggio virtual meetings is no longer available in Brightspace
Learning Environment. For more information on the end of life of Wiggio virtual meetings,
visit the blog post on Brightspace Community.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Moderate impact to instructors who use Wiggio virtual meetings, as an alternative solution is now required. |
Availability: This feature is no longer available. To enable: N/A Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices location(s): N/A User Resources: For more information to share with users, visit the end of life blog post on Brightspace Community. |
Turnitin - Improvements to version 2 of the Turnitin Integration | Updated
When a learner submits an assignment in a TII enabled assignment submission folder, the TII Submission ID is displayed in the Submission History page.
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors who can now view TII Submission IDs in a learner's Submission History page. |
Availability: This improvement is automatically available to all TII version 2 integration users. It does not affect version 1 users or users of the LTI solution. To enable: If GradeMark or the OriginalityCheck has been enabled, the Submission ID is displayed within the Submission History page for TII version 2 users. No further action is required. Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices location(s): N/A User Resources: For more information to share with users, visit the Turnitin - Administrator Guide (print-based resources) or Assignments and Turnitin (online resource). |
Slight impact to learners who can now view TII Submission IDs in their Submission History page. |
Availability: This improvement is automatically available to all TII version 2 integration users. It does not affect version 1 users or users of the LTI solution. To enable: If GradeMark or the OriginalityCheck has been enabled, the Submission ID is displayed within the Submission History page for TII version 2 users. No further action is required. Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices location(s): N/A User Resources: For more information to share with users, visit the Turnitin - Administrator Guide (print-based resources) or Assignments and Turnitin (online resource). |
Video Assignments and Virtual Classrooms by YouSeeU - Interface and workflow improvements | Updated
Impact of Change | Technical Details |
Slight impact to instructors due to minor interface redesign and improved functions in some areas of the tools. |
Availability: This feature is available to all clients using Video Assignments and/or Virtual Classrooms by YouSeeU. To enable: This functionality is automatically enabled for Video Assignments and Virtual Classroom users. No further action is required. Microservices dependencies: N/A Microservices location(s): N/A User Resources: For information on Video Assignments and Virtual Classrooms to share with users, refer to the YouSeeU - Instructor Guide (print-based resource) or the Virtual Classrooms by YouSeeU web topics for instructors (online resource) at release |