The new GFCMSU Mobile app allows students to access D2L functions and more right from their mobile device. The app is available for common platforms and features vary between platforms. 


Install the GFCMSU Mobile app by searching for GFCMSU Mobile on the Apple app store or Google Play store, clicking on the appropriate button below from your mobile device, or by scanning the QR code below from your mobile device.

 Download on the App Store  Android App on Google Play
Scan QR Code to Download Scan QR Code to Download


Signing In & Getting Started

When you first open the app, you will see a screen that looks like the one below. Click on "Get Started". 

 Title screen

On the next screen, select "Student" and click "Next".

 select your experience screen

Click the button that says, "Sign In with Great Falls College Account".

 sign in screen

Sign in with your Net ID and password and click "Log In".

 username and password box

If you see a window asking if Dub Labs Campus Access can access your information from Brightspace, check the box, and click "Continue". 

 authorization window

The app will take you through a process of configuring your account with the first step being to add a profile picture. You can click "Add" to upload or take a photo of yourself, or "Maybe Later" to skip adding a profile picture for now. 

 upload profile picture

The next screen of the setup process asks about a few areas you may want to add to your quick access navigation within the app. Your choices are My Courses, Events, Student Organizations & Clubs, My Friends, My Posts, and Student Services. Select as many as you'd like and click "Next". 

 add favorites

Congratulations! You should now be on the main screen of the GFCMSU Mobile app! 

home screen

Campus Guide

Clicking on the button to the right of the "home" button at the bottom of the app takes you to the Campus Guide, which has the following features.

 campus guide

D2L Mobile

Allows you to login to the mobile version of D2L Brightspace to access the mobile version of your full courses.

eLearning Guide

Clicking on the eLearning Guide tile gives you access to the digital version of our eLearning Guide. It's overflowing with helpful information so be sure to check it out!

eLearning Guide

Department Directory

The Department Directory contains contact information for all of the departments on campus including Admissions, the Academic Success Center, and the Technology Assistance Center. 

department directory

department directory details


Contains a knowledgebase full of helpful information for everything ranging from "how do I use discussions in Brightspace?" to "How do I install Microsoft Office 365 for free as a student?". You can also start a virtual chat session with the Technology Assistance Center if you have questions or need help. 

eSupport Tile

Is a quick link to the Great Falls College MSU home page. 

Social Media

Has quick links to our social media profiles for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! Be sure to follow us for updates about the amazing happenings at GFCMSU!

social media

Weaver Library

Takes you straight to the Weaver Library homepage for fast access to indexes, databases, Ask A Librarian chat feature, and much more.   

Campus Maps

Need to find your way around campus? Our interactive map will help to show you the way!

campus maps

Academic Calendar

Want to know when classes start or other important dates? Check out our official academic calendar!

academic calendars

Student Services

We have many fantastic services available for students, including the Academic Success Center, Advising and Career Center, and many more. This tile gives you quick access to their contact information.  


The Advising tile takes you straight to the Advising and Career Center's contact information. 

Student Organizations & Clubs

Did you know that GFCMSU has many different student organizations and clubs that are free to join and fun to participate in? Click on this tile to see a full list and find out how to join in the fun!

student organizations and clubs

Building Hours

Need to know if the building is open on a certain day or at a certain time? This tile gives you quick access to the building hours page from our website. 

building hours

Student Email

Login to your student email once (using your as the username and your password) and you never have to worry about logging into it again. Just click on this tile when you want to access your student email. 


GFCMSU hosts many educational and entertaining events throughout the year. Some are open to students, some to the public, and some are private events. All of our events are listed here. 



Features Overview

Campus Wall

Clicking on the campus wall iconbutton will bring up the campus wall. This is similar to the feed in most social media platforms. Anyone can post interesting campus related information and pictures and everyone can see all of the posts. You can also comment on posts and there are categories for things posting things for sale, ride sharing, lost & found, and housing information. 

campus wall

Notification Area 

Clicking on the notification area icon brings you to the notification area. You will see notifications here for things like campus wide announcements, course specific announcements, course discussion posts and replies, groups and events notifications, and more!

My Profile

Clicking on the my profile iconicon takes you to the My Profile area of the app. Here you can manage friends, your posts, view and select calendars to include in the app, quickly navigate to your courses, and view and manage your groups, activities, and events.

My Profile


Clicking on the settings icon takes you to the settings page. Here, you can edit your profile (name and bio), add email addresses to your account, change notification and privacy settings. You can also logout from here, but why would you want to miss out on all of this great stuff!? 

settings screen

